Mesut Kurtis - No One But Allah
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Mesut Kurtis - No One But Allah
From album "Salawat"
| Info |
English lyrics: Yusra & Bara Kherigi
Turkish lyrics: Muzaffer Özkök
Melody: Islamic Herigate
Arrangement: Sami Yusuf
English lyrics: Yusra & Bara Kherigi
Turkish lyrics: Muzaffer Özkök
Melody: Islamic Herigate
Arrangement: Sami Yusuf
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| Lyrics |
Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah
Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah
Ömrüm bitirmiş viranemiyem
Aklını yitirmiş divanemiyem
Kanat vururum döner dururum
Yanar kururum pervanemiyem
Who taught the birds to fly?
Who raised the mountain high?
Who raises us when we die?
No one but Allah
Who sees inside your soul?
Who hears you when you call?
Who helps you when you fall?
No one but Allah
Who fashioned us of clay?
Who showed us the right way?
Who hears us when we pray?
No one but Allah
Who made the rivers flow?
Who tought the stars to glow?
Who sends the winds that blow?
No one but Allah
Ömrüm bitirmiş viranemiyem
Aklını yitirmiş divanemiyem
Yaşlı gözlerim tutmaz dizlerim
Yolun gözlerim mestanemiyem
All praise is to Allah
All glory is to Allah
We worship Allah
And no one but Allah