News: Presidential Speech On Korus Fta

As you might have heard, Korea and United States entered into a free trade agreement on October 12, 2011. This is the largest free trade agreement for the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement came into force in 1994.

The Korean is mostly left-leaning in his politics, which means he is not a fan of Korea's current president Lee Myung-Bak. However, the Korean is not so small to acknowledge that President Lee gave a great speech before the U.S. Congress -- which was received by 45 instances of applause. Please do read the entire speech, which essentially captures how the Korean feels about his two homes, United States and Korea. The two countries are friends, and they both need each other.

But then again, everyone is a critic. The Korean also liked Professor Robert Kelly's essay on what President Lee should have said before the Congress. Please also take a look at that post as well.

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